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Welcome to the Trust Shop
Your NFA Gun Trust Headquarters

Only $49 – Get your Gun Trust Now

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The Home page is where you will find general information about the Trust Shop NFA Gun Trust


Ready to get your Gun Trust?

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 Get the $49 Gun Trust Now 

Ready to upgrade your old trust to a Trust Shop NFA Gun Trust?

 Restatement of Trust Now 

Find out about all of the benefits included with a Trust Shop NFA Gun Trust.

 What do I get? 

Want to know what previous customers think about their Trust Shop NFA Gun Trust?

customer reviews image

 Customer Reviews 

The FAQ page is where you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions.


Have a question for the Trust Shop Gun Trust Lawyers? Click on this link and let us know what’s on your mind.

 Contact the Trust Shop 

Gun Trust Documents

An Assignment Form is used to add Personal and NFA Firearms to your Gun Trust. Remember: You should create a new Assignment Form for each NFA Firearm you buy or build.

bi-pod gun

 Create an Assignment Form 

Create an Amendment if you need to revise your Co-Trustees, Successor Trustees, or Beneficiaries

 Create an Amendment 

Need to create a document for your Gun Trust, but not sure which document you need? Click here for a description of the different forms and a link to create each document

 Additional Gun Trust Documents 

Anytime you use your personal money to purchase a firearm or firearms accessories, you should fill out a MOC to document the transaction.

 Memorandum of Contribution 

Articles from the Trust Shop lawyers

Click here for links to all of the Trust Shop lawyer’s articles

 Articles Home Page 

We know that Gun Trusts can be really confusing, so we’ve written this article to explain exactly what gun trusts are and why they are the best option

 What is a Gun Trust? 

Ever wonder how to get your hands on a full-auto machine gun. The Trust Shop Lawyers explain the ins-and-outs of getting your hands on select-fire guns

sbr machine gun

 Are Machine Guns legal? 

The process for making changes to your Gun Trust can be very confusing. Let the Trust Shop show you how it’s done.

 How to Revise your Gun Trust 

Tax StampThe Silencer and SBR application process can be a bit overwhelming. This article gives you a step-by-step overview of the process

 10 Steps to a Tax Stamp 

Other gun trusts claim to be “lawyer drafted,” but Trust Shop Gun Trusts are “Lawyer Reviewed.” Read this article to find out why Trust Shop Gun Trusts are way different than the other guys.

 What does Lawyer Review mean? 
ATF Logo

ATF Rule 41F added additional requirements to the Form 1 & Form 4 application process. However, they didn’t do the best job explaining which people are considered RP’s.

 Who is a Responsible Person? 

Lamination, Binders, and other Cool Stuff

Not sure which of the “Hard-Copy” documents you want to get? Click on this link for complete descriptions of all the different hard-copy options.

 Lamination & Binders Home Page 

Full-Size lamination is the perfect way to protect your Gun Trust

Full-Size Laminated Trust

 Full-Size Laminated Gun Trust 

If you want a copy of your Gun Trust that you can toss into your range bag or clip to your rifle case, the Miniature lamination is the way to go.

mini Laminated Trust

 Miniature Laminated Gun Trust 

The Gun Trust Portfolio protects your Gun Trust and gives it a professional appearance.


 Gun Trust Portfolio 

Looking for ultimate protection and functionality? The Preservation Package is just the ticket. You get a 3-ring binder with three different types of hard-copy Gun Trusts.

Preservation Package

 Preservation Package 

You waited forever to receive your Tax Stamp! Now that you finally have it, you need to protect it. The best way to get the job done is to have your Stamps laminated. Available in both Full-Size and Mini.

Tax Stamps

 Laminate your Tax Stamps 

Already ordered your hard-copy documents and need to send us your Signature Pages? Click here to follow our step-by-step directions on securely uploading your documents.

 Upload your Documents 

Want some additional privacy? Create a Certification of Trust, which is a super-condensed bare-bones version of your Gun Trust completely concealing the fact that your Gun Trust is, in fact, a Gun Trust.

 Certification of Trust 

The Trust Shop ATF Form System

Everything you need to submit your ATF Application.

 ATF Form System Home Page 
making a silencer

Before you can build a Silencer or SBR, you submit a Form 1 Application to the ATF. Follow this step-by-step guide and you will be able to fill out your Form 1 Application with confidence

 How to fill out a Form 1 

Creating the ATF Form 1 Application is simple when you use the Trust Shop ATF Form System (available to Trust Shop customers).

 ATF Form 1 Generator 

If you are moving or traveling to another state with your NFA Firearms, you need to fill out an ATF Form 20. Trust Shop Customers can click here to create their Form 20 using the ATF Form System.

 ATF Form 20 Generator 

The Form 4 (Application for Tax Paid Transfer and Registration of Firearm) is what you submit to the ATF when you purchase an NFA Firearm.

 How to fill out a Form 4 

If you are buying an NFA Firearm you need to submit a Form 4 Application to the ATF. The Trust Shop ATF Form System completely eliminates the ATF confusion and makes the Form 4 Application process easy. Trust Shop customers get unlimited use of all our ATF Form Generators.

 ATF Form 4 Generator 

The Responsible Person Questionnaire (Form 23) needs to be submitted by each of the Responsible Persons in your Gun Trust. Read this article for detailed directions on how it’s done.

 How to fill out a Form 23 

ATF Rule 41F requires all Responsible Persons in your Gun Trust to submit a Responsible Person Questionnaire (Form 23). The Trust Shop ATF Form System make the process easy and includes detailed directions on “what to do next.”

 ATF Form 23 Generator 

NFA Firearms Laws

Click here for a more detailed description of each document

 NFA Firearms Laws Home Page 

The National Firearms Act (NFA) was passed in 1934 as an effort to deter gangsters (like Al Capone) from killing everyone and committing other violent crimes.

 National Firearms Act 

The Gun Control Act (GCA) was passed in 1968 in response to the assassination of President Kennedy. The Act was designed to impose much stricter licensing and regulation of the firearms industry.

 Gun Control Act 

In 1986, Congress passed the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA), making it easier for people to purchase guns and ammunition. And, it reduced the record keeping requirements for gun store owners.

 Firearm Owner’s Protection Act 

The ATF, in addition to chasing “bad guys,” has “Rulemaking” authority. Rulemaking is synonymous with law making. You simply can’t imagine just how much power the ATF has

 ATF Rulemaking 

The most comprehensive Gun Trust package available!

You simply won’t find a better product anywhere! 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed. We love what we do… and it shows! But don’t take our word for it… Check out some of the Reviews from other Customers.

Get the $49 Gun Trust Package now

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